Friday, January 20, 2006

I Can Taste The Brass From My Trombone Sometimes

9 : Oh my god. That's horrible.

9 spits on the ground.

10 : It's supposed to make you throw up.
9 : God, it tastes like the spit valve on my trombone from high school smelled.
10 : Are you going to throw up yet?
9 : No. Why did you do that to me?
10 : I. don't. know. I think because it's funny.
9 : No. Definitely not funny.


10 : You played trombone?
9 : What?
10 : You mentioned your trombone.
9 : Yes. Yes. I played trombone.
10 : Cool. I thought about joining the band. I took Piano lessons as a child.
9 : Good for you.
10: Sorry I was jus-
9 : No. I'm sorry. I played trombone until I got to college. I majored in it for a semester but dropped it for other artistic endeavors.
10 : Graphic design?
9 : Sandwich artist at Subway.
10 : Oh. huh.
9 : You took piano lessons?
10 : Yep. For four years. Like every other child, I hated it, but now I wish I had paid more attention.
9 : Kind of makes me wish you liked it, so your story could have a little more purpose.
10 : Ok. Look. I'm sorry about your drink. It was a joke gone awry. Please.
9 : I'm just saying that if you're going to tell a story make it about something more interesting than how you were like everyone else.


10 clears his throat.


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