Why It Doesn't Rain Plastic Balls from Quarter Toy Machines
3 people of no specified gender stand in what would probably be a park. They throw a frisbee.
1 : Here ya' go!
2 : Woa! Almost missed it there.
3 : Guys - throw it me.
They don't.
3 : Stop being assholes.
1 : Look you never catch the -
Balls from Quarter Toy Machines start to fall from sky slowly.
2 : What the -?
3 : Is that hail?
1 : No. They aren't cold or wet. They're - filled with toys.
2 : Did a plane drop these from the sky?
1 : No. I don't see anything.
2 : What the -
It stops.
3 : That was bizarre.
They continue throwing.
3 : Ok. Seriously. If you don't throw it to me. I'm going home.
Plastic Balls now fall, slightly heavier.
1 : Oh my god.
2 : It's seriously raining these things.
3 : It's like that kids' book about food.
2 picks up one up.
2 : This one has a temporary tattoo. Quick gimme a water bottle.
2 gets the water bottle, puts it on.
1 : Oh my God, I've got a sticky wall climber.
1 throws it at 3.
3 : Jesus. I'll seriously go home if you don't stop.
The balls fall harder.
1 : Oh. Shit. These are starting to hurt. Do you guys have an umbrella?
2 : No. I didn't know it was going to rain plastic balls - OW.
The balls fall harder and start to bloody and maim the three. They cry and fall down, eventually dying.
God walks out.
God : Hello. I'm God. I wanted you to know that I'm unhappy with they way things have been going. You are all going to die. Now. Thank you. Goodbye.
God leaves.
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