Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Set My House On Fire

2 Parents, 2 Children. The interior of a house with a front yard.

Parent 1 : Well kids, I'm sorry, but there will be no presents for any holidays this year.
Child 1 : What do you mean? Not for our birthdays?
Child 2 : Or even Christmas?
Parent 2 : We've come to the realization that we can't afford anything beyond a minimal amount of food.
Parent 1 : We can't even heat our house anymore.
Child 1 : Can't we just borrow it from someone?
Parent 1 : There's no one to borrow it from.
Child 1 : What about selling our stuff?
Parent 2 : We thought about selling our children, but it costs money to make money.
Child 2 : But we're your children.
Child 1 : I've got a piggy bank with coins you can have that.
Parent 2 : I'm sorry, but ideas like that are only endearing on bad family sitcoms form the late 1900's. They aren't helpful, either.
Parent 1 : Our mind has been made up, the only option left is to burn down the house with you children inside, and for us to go our separate ways to start over.
Child 1 : That's the only way?
Child 2 : I don't want to be burned alive.
Parent 2 : I'm sorry, but it's the only option.
Child 2 : Who's to blame?
Child 1 : Who do we curse as we burn alive?
Parent 1 : Some say the government, some say the economy, one might even say that we're irresponsible with our money and planning. I feel like the best way we encompass all of those is by blaming God.
Parent 2 : Goodbye children.

The parents leave, the house is set ablaze, the children die cursing God. The parents walk away from the house in opposite directions after shaking hands.