Monday, December 05, 2005

Family Birthday

There is a mother, a father, a son, a girlfriend, and a smarmy waiter. They sit in a restaurant.

Father : Happy birthday!
Mother : Happy birthday!
Girlfriend : Happy birthday!
Son : Ah. Thanks. guys. Really, though it's ok.

The waiter and 5 of his coworkers walk by to another table and sing happy birthday.

Girlfriend : Oh look, it's someone else's birthday, too.
Son : Please don't have them do this to me.. Please!

The waiter walks by.

Girlfriend : Hey. It's his birthday today, too.
Waiter : Oh, really?
Girlfriend : That's right. He's 25 today.
Waiter : Well, then, congratulations to you.

He reaches out his hand, smarmily. Son shakes it.

Son : uh .. thanks.

The waiter leaves.

Father : So what are you doing after dinner then?
Son : Oh- I don't know. We might see a show or something.
Mother : Have you seen March of the Penguins yet?

The waiter returns with 1 other coworker. They sing happy birthday, but aren't committed whatsoever.

Son : .. ha. ha. Thanks.
Waiter : Happy birthday!

The waiter puts down a small bowl of somewhat melted icecream and a candle that is lit. The son blows the candle out.