Thursday, December 22, 2005

Trombone the Overlord

A post apocalyptic world. A dented, rusty trombone sits on a stand on hill in the middle of the space. Several worshippers, one of which is on fire look, worship the trombone.

Person 1 : Master! Please send us guidance.
Person on Fire : I'm on fire!
Person 2 : Trombone, tell us, show us how to rebuild the world.
Person 3 : Yes. A new world.
Person on Fire : Thank you for setting me on fire, Trombone. I don't entirely understand why I'm on fire, but thank you!
Trombone : First. Stop graveling. Second. Begin a government where all people are equal, aside from your leader. Hone you skills in farming, woodworking, dancing, sewing. Begin working at those jobs. And you, the one I set on fire, I don't like you. Stop thanking me. It's annoying.
Person on Fire : Yes! Thank you sire.
The person on fire explodes.
Trombone : And now it's time for some smooth Jazz.
The Trombone plays some Jazz, the worshippers dance. Someone knocks over Trombone, the music stops, a person sitting behind where the Trombone was walks out holding a microphone, puts a clarinet on the stand and walks back.
Clarinet : I believe I said Jazz. Now.
The music resumes with the Clarinet as the predominant sound in the music. The people dance, again.