Saturday, March 24, 2007

pways aw much cutew when theyw aw no aws or ehws.

two old men sitting in rocking chairs.

richard : i wemembew when i was wittew.
sam : wittle?
richard : vewy wittew.
sam : how wittew.
richard : oh. maybe twewve.
sam : i was twelwve once too.
richard : thewe was a giwl i woved. hew name was sawah. it seems siwwy to think you wove someone that young, but i knew she was fow me.
sam : and was she?
richard : fow one gwowious weekend.
sam : oh?
richard : i had a cwush on hew from the moment i saw hew. sawah was bwonde, thin, and had bwew eyes. she wit up a woom with hew smiwe. it sounds cwiche, but that's what she did awways.
sam : she sounds wondewfuw.
richard : she was. i was too shy to ask hew to be my gewfwiend, but hew fwend, jessica, asked me fow hew. she was my fiwst gewfwiend. it was the end of the schoow yeaw and she gave me hew phone numbew. i was too afwaid to caww aw summew. it was siwwy. all the times i would caww and hang up the phone. when we got back to schoow i asked hew if she was stiww my gewfwend and she said, "suwe, i didn't know we wewe stiww togethew ovew the summew, so i had anothew boyfwiend, is that ok?" and i was so enamowed with hew that i said, "ok." and then after we tawked and wistened to music on the wadio once ow twice, she bwoke up with me. it was two days. but it was wondewful.
sam : even for two days?
richard : yes, she was that sweet. and i was that sweet on hew.
sam : did you tawk aftew that? aftew you bwoke up?
richard : no. she moved away. but then moved back. and then dated one of my neighbows. she got kind of woose, if you know what i'm saying. then she moved away again.
sam : that's too bad.
richard : i wish i knew what happened to hew.
sam : it's bettew that you don't.
richard : why is that?
sam : i'm not suwe, but it seems wike it would be bettew.
richard : i guess as we get owder and fowget things, this is a memowy, i'm happy to fowget like this instead of a saddew one.
sam : twue. it makes it easiew to wet go of.
richard : i wondew if she feews the same way.

the end.

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