Sunday, March 04, 2007

all the pretty girls go to the city.

several attractive women, posing as if they were having their photos taken. they don't acknowledge each other, nor are their poses ridiculous. it is quite possible that it has a rhythm to it.

voice : you. in the red. you will get cancer and die. you smoke. and the orange, you will act in a movie with fire and the fire will burn you. and yellow, i'm going to think about you every night before i go to bed until someone i find more attractive comes along.

another voice [screaming] : you fucking cunts! you're the reason i'm fat! you give me such low confidence that i can't be like you! it's your fault. eat a fucking twinkie!

a third voice : hi. uh.. wow, i can't believe i'm - god - what am i doing? you're not - i'm sorry i didn't know what i was thinking. someone who looks like you would never -.

fourth voice [screaming] : you fucking cunts! you're the reason i'm skinny! you give me such low confidence that i aspire to be like you! it's your fault! eat a fucking twinkie!

fifth voice : you. are... so interesting. i mean, i would have never expected someone as beautiful - i'm sorry this is going to sound so ignorant, but i can't help this stereotype sometimes. i wouldn't never expect someone as incredible looking as you to be interested in something like pi. how far have you memorized again, up to the 100th decimal point. say them again, please.

sixth voice : i just don't buy into it. you serve a purpose to sell something. a movie, a rapper, any type of product i can spend money on. yeah, you represent what people think they should look like.. but, honestly, you look a little unhealthy and you only serve as a reminder to be healthy. so you succeed, but you also fail a little. i'd shrug, but you can't see me. because i'm backstage.

the women all take a donut from someplace hidden.

fith voice : i'll start you off, three point...
all (while chewing on donuts): 1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679.

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