Saturday, September 16, 2006

Time to Move On

Me : Sometimes we do things that just don't really go anywhere. Like a road that stops at a wall. Like a... dead end. If you will. I just find that I get bored and I'm not consistent, and so I get bored with with being bored. See? Not payng attention and I repeated words. Whether you could tell or not, I spelled paying wrong, in my saying of it.

I pause for a minute. Do something else and come back.

Me : I paused there, for a minute. I did something else, and now I'm back. How does one act out a blogging experience. As a good writer, or rather, performer. Right now. And here. I should probably pull you into my psyche, or story.. or another word that makes me sounds smart. To be truthful, I'm thinking about how awesome the guitar is in the Sufjan Stevens song I'm listening to right now is.. and now I'm thinking about bed.

I scratch my chest for a few seconds.

Me : Sometimes I worry that I have bugs crawling all over my body.

I rotate my shoulders.

Me : Alright, look. Neither of us really care about what's going on right here... so here's tomorrow's play.


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