Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Grass We Eat, The Lunchpales We Hit Eachother With, and the People We Love.

There is a kindergarden boy, he stands in the playground. He picks his nose briefly. He looks at the grass. He picks out some and eats it. A girl runs by with a pink lunch box.

Girl : Hahahahaha

She wallops him in the head with her lunch box. The boy falls down.

Boy : Ow!

The girl comes back to him.

Boy : Why did you do that?
Girl : Why shouldn't I do that?
Boy : Because it hurts.
Girl : But it was fun!
Boy : No. No it wasn't
Girl : Yes it was. You're a dork.

She hits him again and runs off. The boy sits and begins to cry. He stops and opens his lunch. He starts eating it. The girl comes back and sits down next to him. They eat lunch silently, together.