Tuesday, November 29, 2005

5 Stars & 1 Personal Pan Pizza

The Setting is a Pizza Hut
Worker - A teenager.
Rick - An obese man in his late 20's/early 30's
Lady - She has kids.

Worker : I'm sorry sir, but that coupon is not valid here.
Rick : What do you mean, it's not valid here? Can't you see my button is filled with the five stars?
Worker : Bookit Pizza coupons are only for students. You are not a student.
Rick : How do you know I'm not a student? I could be a student. I'm home schooled.
Worker : That very well may be true, sir, but unfortunately your coupon is not valid here.
Rick : You've already said that, I need a better answer - Look, I read the five books on this month's reading list, herego, I am entitled to one free personal pan pizza, for here or to go.
Worker : I'm sorry.
Rick : I read my books, and now I want my reward!
Worker : Sir, please stop yelling.
Lady : Hey, can you hurry it up? My kids are hungry!
Kid 1 to Lady : Momma'? Why is that man so fat?
Rick : Alright, look, I've come into this Pizza Hut every month for the past, I don't know... 15 years, and not ONCE have you denied me my personal pan pizza. I've gone into every other Pizza Hut in the area for that long and not once have THEY denied me. Now all of a sudden, you people - you people realize that HEY, maybe this guy isn't a student after all? Maybe we are wrong to give this man free food? Maybe he doesn't need that extra bread stick? Well, that's bullshit. Bullshit. Lady : Watch your language! I have kids in here.
Kid 2 : Bullshit bullshit bullshit.
Rick : You know what you are doing? By denying me my pizza you are discouraging me to read! How do you feel about that? Do you think Bookit! is more concerned with who gets pizza and who doesn't or just the fact that someone is reading.
Worker : I'll go talk to my manager.
The Worker walks behind the counter. He is there for a several minutes. There is a long pause.
Kid 1 : What was the last book you read?
Lady : Don't talk to that awful man.
Rick : I read "How to Lose All Your Friends," by Nancy Carlson.
Kid 1 : I read that when I was 6. I liked it a lot.
Rick : Yep. It's really good.
Worker reenters the scene.
Worker : I spoke to my manager, and we will allow you to use the coupon this one time. Unfortunately, my statement about BookIt! coupons only good for students will hold true next time. I apologize for the inconvenience and hope that you will continue to eat at Pizza Hut, coupons or not.